Terms of Use and Disclaimer

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StayOnTrack, Inc. has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information on this site is accurate. However,
StayOnTrack cannot guarantee the accuracy or fitness for a particular purpose. By accessing this site, you agree that
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StayOnTrack offers the information on this Web site for general educational and informational purposes only. This
information is not intended as a substitute for advice, treatment, or recommendations from Healthcare professionals. It
is important to follow the advice of your physician and other health care professionals regarding your individual mental
health, medical and health care needs. Please consult with your physician or other health care professional before
using any drug product discussed within this Web site.

Any communications or information (including communications and information exchanged by way of a discussion) sent
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StayOnTrack provides links to other websites. Only websites believed to be accurate and useful to visitors are
selected. However, as the Internet is subject to rapid change, we cannot guarantee the standards of such websites.
StayOnTrack takes no responsibility for the content of such sites, makes no representations as to the accuracy or
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kind arising from such content or information.

Updated August 12, 2007
                                                                             Site conceived by StayOnTrack, Inc.