Anger Management
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Excessive anger can make us sick, not only mentally, but physically. In fact, millions
of Americans experience the side effects of chronic anger in the form of illnesses,
drug and alcohol addiction, headaches, domestic violence and depression just to
name a few. Anger can also be a symptom of depression.  Angry outbursts can
prevent us from having good relationships with others and feeling good about
ourselves. On the other hand, learning to manage our anger can enhance our
emotional well being and lead to a healthier, happier life.

Because of life long beliefs that
conflict and anger are “bad” reactions
to be
avoided or merely survived, few of us have learned to handle either
of them productively or to make the most of the opportunities they provide.

Get solutions now and stop avoiding conflict --
Call 312-343-0038 to begin addressing your anger issues.

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StayOnTrack, Inc.
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