Questions ????
              To Reboot you and your Life’s Journey.

Through your private weblog - journaling you will be able to
have contact with your life/professional coach or counselor.

 Journaling is a transformative language of art.

We put together current research in psychology, wisdom, and strategic goal oriented coaching that
directs systematic and sustainable change.  
Our intentions need a strategy and a plan
– alone with focus and accountability.

Program Structure:

Initial Assessment: On the telephone  773-728-7316
All other communication is via the Internet (Your private weblog) – available to you

Questions and action steps tailored made for you to journal on in your private web blog.

By following (putting into practice) these techniques you can transform your experiences and move
quickly from feeling frustrated to feeling content and satisfied.   

Thoughts + Emotions + Actions = Alignment
               Think - Feel - Act

The only way to create sustainable change and exponentially greater results is to help individuals
change the way they think and feel by helping them break through their limiting thoughts and emotional
responses, and replace them with supportive, empowering beliefs that get them to take powerful and
consistent action.  This is the heart of StayOnTrack's philosophy and process.

This unique process is intended to help people be at the cause of their lives, instead of its effect.  You
see, too often people react to circumstances; they get “behind the eight ball” as it’s said. The vast
majority of the time, this is where the sense of overwhelm, stress, and uneasiness comes from.  At
StayOnTrack, we believe that no one has to live at the effect of life.

Here at StayOnTrack we will give you the opportunity to be the cause of all of the great things that you
truly want to experience in your life.

Are your thoughts, emotions and actions aligned with your goals and desired results?

Through your web blog you will be able to:     
  •      Start feeling confident
  •      Spend more time engaged in activities that work for you
  •      Increase your emotional intelligence
  •      Begin living life on your terms
  •      Use more of your personal power
  •      Begin practicing the art of detaching with love
  •      Experience more connection and intimacy in your relationships
  •      Learn to feel comfortable speaking in meetings
  •      Start to repair your self-esteem
  •      Learn the art of connecting
  •      Discover the power of living in the moment – the now
  •      Start forgiving self and others
  •      Live with courage
  •      And much much more

If You desire change ....
  • At your convenience
  • In the comfort of your home
  • In Real Time
  • 24/7

"Act now" and call 773-728-7316.
Initial Assessment Fee: $79.99 (for your convenience - on the phone)
Monthly Fee: $99.99

Emergency: call 911 or National Hopeline Network at 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) A-WAY-OUT
Please immediately seek out professional help.
Keyword: Community mental health agencies+(your state) or
Our website's only purpose is to add to the action steps and learning you are doing to live your best life
StayOnTrack, Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Success @ Work and Home
StayOnTrack©    payment options

  • No Parking Fee

  • No Driving Time

  • No Appointment

  • No long distance phone

  • Any time/any location

  • Move at your on pace

  • No Gas Cost

  • No Child Care
Investing in your own
development or personal
journey takes courage
and commitment. It takes
courage because you
first must decide to
become the person you
are capable of being.
And it takes commitment
to act on that decision to
reach your full potential.

Neither finding the
courage nor making the
commitment is easy. To
many people, leaving
their comfort zone,
stepping outside their
area of expertise to learn
new skills or acquire new
knowledge is a big risk.
We hope that you have
found the commitment to
act on your goals and
that you will
take this
to create a
development plan that
works for you to create
the life you want.
to Hire a Coach
verified by Psychology Today